
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input SatisfactionUpdateParams {
  • # The amount and unit of the work or use or citation effort-based action. This is
  • # often a time duration, but also could be cycle counts or other measures of
  • # effort or usefulness.
  • effortQuantity: IMeasure
  • id: ID!
  • # A textual description or comment.
  • note: String
  • # The amount and unit of the economic resource counted or inventoried.
  • resourceQuantity: IMeasure
  • # (`Commitment`|`EconomicEvent`) A commitment or economic event fully or partially
  • # satisfying an intent.
  • satisfiedBy: ID
  • # (`Intent`) An intent satisfied fully or partially by an economic event or
  • # commitment.
  • satisfies: ID
  • }