A formal or informal group, or legal organization.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Organization implements Agent {
- AgentType :
- String :
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- agentCommitmentSearchParams): [Commitment!] ( :
- String :
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- agentEventSearchParams): [EconomicEvent!] ( :
- ID! :
- # The uri to an image relevant to the agent, such as a logo, avatar, photo, etc.
- URI :
- AccountingScope!] : [
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- IntentSearchParams): [Intent!] ( :
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- (
- agentResourceSearchParams :
- ): [EconomicResource!]
- # The name that this agent will be referred to by.
- String! :
- # A textual description or comment.
- String :
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- agentPlanSearchParams): [Plan!] ( :
- # The main place an agent is located, often an address where activities occur and
- # mail can be sent. This is usually a mappable geographic location. It also could
- # be a website address, as in the case of agents who have no physical location.
- SpatialThing :
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- agentProcessSearchParams): [Process!] ( :
- Proposal!] : [
- # Arguments
- # roleId: [Not documented]
- ID): [AgentRelationship!] ( :
- # Arguments
- # roleId: [Not documented]
- ID): [AgentRelationship!] ( :
- # Arguments
- # roleId: [Not documented]
- ID): [AgentRelationship!] ( :
- AgentRelationshipRole!] : [
- }
link Require by
- AccountingScopeA boundary or context grouped around some other record- used for documenting, accounting, planning. ## extended for Bonfire (default was `Person | Organization`)
- ObservableObjectThings that can be observed.
- ObserverAgent (usually a person) or machine like a sensor that conducts observations.
- OrganizationResponsenull
- RootQueryTypenull