Published requests or offers, sometimes with what is expected in return.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Proposal {
- URI :
- # The date and time the proposal was created.
- DateTime :
- Agent :
- # Location or area where the proposal is valid.
- SpatialThing :
- # The beginning time of proposal publication.
- DateTime :
- # The end time of proposal publication.
- DateTime :
- ID! :
- # Grouping around something to create a boundary or context, used for documenting,
- # accounting, planning.
- AccountingScope!] : [
- # An informal or formal textual identifier for a proposal. Does not imply
- # uniqueness.
- String :
- # A textual description or comment.
- String :
- # Which Agent(s) (if any were specified) was this proposed to?
- ProposedTo!] : [
- # Intent(s) published as part of to this proposal
- ProposedIntent!] : [
- # This proposal contains unit based quantities, which can be multipied to create
- # commitments; commonly seen in a price list or e-commerce.
- Boolean :
- }
link Require by
- AgentA person or group or organization with economic agency.
- OrganizationA formal or informal group, or legal organization.
- PersonA natural person.
- ProposalResponsenull
- ProposalsPageA page of proposals
- ProposedIntentRepresents many-to-many relationships between Proposals and Intents, supporting including intents in multiple proposals, as well as a proposal including multiple intents.
- ProposedToAn agent to which the proposal is to be published. A proposal can be published to many agents.
- RootQueryTypenull