An activity that changes inputs into outputs. It could transform or transport economic resource(s).
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Process {
- # The definition or specification for a process.
- ProcessSpecification :
- # References one or more concepts in a common taxonomy or other classification
- # scheme for purposes of categorization or grouping.
- URI!] : [
- # Arguments
- # action: [Not documented]
- ID): [Commitment!] ( :
- # Arguments
- # action: [Not documented]
- ID): [Commitment!] ( :
- # The process can be safely deleted, has no dependent information.
- Boolean :
- # The process is complete or not. This is irrespective of if the original goal
- # has been met, and indicates that no more will be done.
- Boolean :
- # The planned beginning of the process.
- DateTime :
- # The planned end of the process.
- DateTime :
- ID! :
- # Grouping around something to create a boundary or context, used for documenting,
- # accounting, planning.
- AccountingScope!] : [
- # Arguments
- # action: [Not documented]
- ID): [EconomicEvent!] ( :
- # Arguments
- # action: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- ID, : IntentSearchParams): [Intent!] ( :
- # Arguments
- # action: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- ID, : IntentSearchParams): [Intent!] ( :
- # An informal or formal textual identifier for a process. Does not imply
- # uniqueness.
- String! :
- # The process with its inputs and outputs is part of the scenario.
- Scenario :
- Process!] : [
- # A textual description or comment.
- String :
- # Arguments
- # action: [Not documented]
- ID): [EconomicEvent!] ( :
- # The process with its inputs and outputs is part of the plan.
- Plan :
- Process!] : [
- # Tags/Categories in a taxonomy, linked to resourceClassifiedAs:
- # References one or more concepts in a common taxonomy or other classification
- # scheme for purposes of categorization or grouping.
- AnyContext!] : [
- # Arguments
- # recurseLimit: [Not documented]
- Int): [ProductionFlowItem!] ( :
- # Arguments
- # recurseLimit: [Not documented]
- Int): [ProductionFlowItem!] ( :
- # Arguments
- # action: [Not documented]
- ID): [EconomicEvent!] ( :
- Agent!] : [
- }
link Require by
- AgentA person or group or organization with economic agency.
- CommitmentA planned economic flow that has been promised by an agent to another agent.
- EconomicEventAn observed economic flow, as opposed to a flow planned to happen in the future. This could reflect a change in the quantity of an economic resource. It is also defined by its behavior in relation to the economic resource (see `Action`)
- IntentA planned economic flow which has not been committed to, which can lead to economic events (sometimes through commitments).
- ObservationAn observation event that records the measurement or assessement of an economic resource.
- OrganizationA formal or informal group, or legal organization.
- PersonA natural person.
- PlanA logical collection of processes that constitute a body of planned work with defined deliverable(s).
- ProcessAn activity that changes inputs into outputs. It could transform or transport economic resource(s).
- ProcessPageA page of Processes
- ProcessResponsenull
- ProductionFlowItemnull
- RootQueryTypenull