
Possible qualitative assessment of an ObservableProperty. (eg. property "contamination" may have phenomenon like "high", "some", "none")

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input ObservablePhenomenonInputParams {
  • # What observable property does this assessment apply to?
  • choiceOf: ID!
  • # A numerical representation of this phenomenon, to be used when automatic
  • # analysis is needed (like value calculation formulas). For example, a series of
  • # phenomenon of high, medium, low, or none could be assigned formula quantifiers
  • # of 100, 50, 10, or 0.
  • formulaQuantifier: Float
  • id: ID
  • # A name for this phenomenon (eg. high, ripe, organic). Unique to each
  • # ObservableProperty.
  • label: String!
  • # A textual description or comment.
  • note: String
  • }