The DateTime
scalar type represents a date and time in the UTC
timezone. The DateTime appears in a JSON response as an ISO8601 formatted
string, including UTC timezone ("Z"). The parsed date and time string will
be converted to UTC if there is an offset.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar DateTime
link Require by
- agentCommitmentSearchParamsQuery parameters for reading `Commitment`s related to an `Agent`
- agentEventSearchParamsQuery parameters for reading `EconomicEvent`s related to an `Agent`
- AgreementAny type of agreement among economic agents.
- AgreementCreateParamsnull
- AgreementUpdateParamsnull
- ClaimA claim for a future economic event(s) in reciprocity for an economic event that already occurred. For example, a claim for payment for goods received.
- ClaimCreateParamsnull
- ClaimUpdateParamsnull
- CommitmentA planned economic flow that has been promised by an agent to another agent.
- CommitmentCreateParamsnull
- CommitmentUpdateParamsnull
- EconomicEventAn observed economic flow, as opposed to a flow planned to happen in the future. This could reflect a change in the quantity of an economic resource. It is also defined by its behavior in relation to the economic resource (see `Action`)
- EconomicEventCreateParamsnull
- IntentA planned economic flow which has not been committed to, which can lead to economic events (sometimes through commitments).
- IntentCreateParamsnull
- IntentSearchParamsQuery parameters for reading `Intent`s related to an `Agent`
- IntentUpdateParamsnull
- ObservationAn observation event that records the measurement or assessement of an economic resource.
- ObservationInputParamsnull
- PlanA logical collection of processes that constitute a body of planned work with defined deliverable(s).
- PlanCreateParamsnull
- planProcessSearchParamsQuery parameters for reading `Process`es related to a `Plan`
- PlanUpdateParamsnull
- ProcessAn activity that changes inputs into outputs. It could transform or transport economic resource(s).
- ProcessCreateParamsnull
- ProcessUpdateParamsnull
- ProductBatchA lot or batch, defining a resource produced at the same time in the same way. From DataFoodConsortium vocabulary
- ProductBatchCreateParamsnull
- ProductBatchUpdateParamsnull
- ProposalPublished requests or offers, sometimes with what is expected in return.
- ProposalCreateParamsnull
- ProposalUpdateParamsnull
- ScenarioAn estimated or analytical logical collection of higher level processes used for budgeting, analysis, plan refinement, etc.
- ScenarioCreateParamsnull
- ScenarioUpdateParamsnull