link GraphQL Schema definition
- input ResourceSpecificationCreateParams {
- # (`Unit`) The default unit used for use or work.
- ID :
- # (`Unit`) The default unit used for the resource itself.
- ID :
- # The uri to an image relevant to the entity, such as a photo, diagram, etc.
- URI :
- # An informal or formal textual identifier for a type of resource. Does not imply
- # uniqueness.
- String! :
- # A textual description or comment.
- String :
- # References one or more concepts in a common taxonomy or other classification
- # scheme for purposes of categorization or grouping.
- URI!] : [
- # Tags/Categories in a taxonomy, linked to resourceClassifiedAs:
- # References one or more concepts in a common taxonomy or other classification
- # scheme for purposes of categorization or grouping.
- ID!] : [
- }