link GraphQL Schema definition
- type RootMutationType {
- # Arguments
- # relationship: [Not documented]
- (
- AgentRelationshipCreateParams! :
- ): AgentRelationshipResponse
- # Arguments
- # agentRelationshipRole: [Not documented]
- (
- AgentRelationshipRoleCreateParams :
- ): AgentRelationshipRoleResponse
- # Arguments
- # agreement: [Not documented]
- AgreementCreateParams): AgreementResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # appreciation: [Not documented]
- AppreciationCreateParams!): AppreciationResponse ( :
- # Create a new Category
- #
- # Arguments
- # category: [Not documented]
- CategoryInput): Category ( :
- # Arguments
- # claim: [Not documented]
- ClaimCreateParams!): ClaimResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # commitment: [Not documented]
- CommitmentCreateParams): CommitmentResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # event: [Not documented]
- # newInventoriedResource: [Not documented]
- (
- EconomicEventCreateParams!, :
- EconomicResourceCreateParams :
- ): EconomicEventResponse
- # Arguments
- # fulfillment: [Not documented]
- FulfillmentCreateParams!): FulfillmentResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # intent: [Not documented]
- IntentCreateParams): IntentResponse ( :
- # Creates a new need for the logged in user, will ignore any receiver specified.
- #
- # Arguments
- # intent: [Not documented]
- IntentCreateParams): IntentResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # observablePhenomenon: [Not documented]
- (
- ObservablePhenomenonInputParams! :
- ): ObservablePhenomenon
- # Arguments
- # observableProperty: [Not documented]
- (
- ObservablePropertyInputParams! :
- ): ObservableProperty
- # Arguments
- # observation: [Not documented]
- ObservationInputParams!): Observation! ( :
- # Creates a new offer for the logged in user, will ignore any provider specified.
- #
- # Arguments
- # intent: [Not documented]
- IntentCreateParams): IntentResponse ( :
- # Registers a new organization (group agent) with the collaboration space
- #
- # Arguments
- # organization: [Not documented]
- AgentCreateParams!): OrganizationResponse ( :
- # Registers a new (human) person with the collaboration space
- #
- # Arguments
- # person: [Not documented]
- AgentCreateParams!): PersonResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # plan: [Not documented]
- PlanCreateParams!): PlanResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # process: [Not documented]
- ProcessCreateParams!): ProcessResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # processSpecification: [Not documented]
- (
- ProcessSpecificationCreateParams :
- ): ProcessSpecificationResponse
- # Arguments
- # productBatch: [Not documented]
- ProductBatchCreateParams!): ProductBatchResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # proposal: [Not documented]
- ProposalCreateParams): ProposalResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # recipeExchange: [Not documented]
- (
- RecipeExchangeCreateParams :
- ): RecipeExchangeResponse
- # Arguments
- # recipeFlow: [Not documented]
- RecipeFlowCreateParams): RecipeFlowResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # recipeProcess: [Not documented]
- (
- RecipeProcessCreateParams :
- ): RecipeProcessResponse
- # Arguments
- # recipeResource: [Not documented]
- (
- RecipeResourceCreateParams :
- ): RecipeResourceResponse
- # Arguments
- # resourceSpecification: [Not documented]
- (
- ResourceSpecificationCreateParams :
- ): ResourceSpecificationResponse
- # Arguments
- # satisfaction: [Not documented]
- SatisfactionCreateParams): SatisfactionResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # plan: [Not documented]
- ScenarioCreateParams!): ScenarioResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # plan: [Not documented]
- (
- ScenarioDefinitionCreateParams! :
- ): ScenarioDefinitionResponse
- # Arguments
- # settlement: [Not documented]
- SettlementCreateParams!): SettlementResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # inScopeOf: [Not documented]
- # spatialThing: [Not documented]
- (
- ID, :
- SpatialThingCreateParams! :
- ): SpatialThingResponse
- # Arguments
- # unit: [Not documented]
- UnitCreateParams!): UnitResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # valueCalculation: [Not documented]
- (
- ValueCalculationCreateParams! :
- ): ValueCalculationResponse
- # Delete more or less anything
- #
- # Arguments
- # contextId: [Not documented]
- String!): AnyContext ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Erase record of an organization and thus remove it from the collaboration space
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Erase record of a person and thus remove them from the collaboration space
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean ( :
- # Authenticate an account / user
- #
- # Arguments
- # emailOrUsername: [Not documented]
- # password: [Not documented]
- String!, : String!): LoginResponse ( :
- # Create a Tag out of something else. You can also directly use the tag() mutation
- # with a pointer ID instead.
- #
- # Arguments
- # contextId: [Not documented]
- String): Tag ( :
- # Include an existing intent as part of a proposal.
- # @param publishedIn the (`Proposal`) to include the intent in
- # @param publishes the (`Intent`) to include as part of the proposal
- #
- # Arguments
- # publishedIn: [Not documented]
- # publishes: [Not documented]
- # reciprocal: [Not documented]
- ID!, : ID!, : Boolean): ProposedIntentResponse ( :
- # Send a proposal to another agent.
- # @param proposed the (`Proposal`) to send to an involved agent
- # @param proposedTo the (`Agent`) to include in the proposal
- #
- # Arguments
- # proposed: [Not documented]
- # proposedTo: [Not documented]
- ID!, : ID!): ProposedToResponse ( :
- # Tag a thing (using a Pointer) with one or more Tags (or Categories, or even
- # Pointers to anything that can become tag)
- #
- # Arguments
- # tags: [Not documented]
- # thing: [Not documented]
- String]!, : String!): Boolean ( : [
- # Arguments
- # relationship: [Not documented]
- (
- AgentRelationshipUpdateParams! :
- ): AgentRelationshipResponse
- # Arguments
- # agentRelationshipRole: [Not documented]
- (
- AgentRelationshipRoleUpdateParams :
- ): AgentRelationshipRoleResponse
- # Arguments
- # agreement: [Not documented]
- AgreementUpdateParams): AgreementResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # appreciation: [Not documented]
- AppreciationUpdateParams!): AppreciationResponse ( :
- # Update a category
- #
- # Arguments
- # category: [Not documented]
- # categoryId: [Not documented]
- CategoryInput, : ID): Category ( :
- # Arguments
- # claim: [Not documented]
- ClaimUpdateParams!): ClaimResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # commitment: [Not documented]
- CommitmentUpdateParams): CommitmentResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # event: [Not documented]
- EconomicEventUpdateParams!): EconomicEventResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # resource: [Not documented]
- (
- EconomicResourceUpdateParams! :
- ): EconomicResourceResponse
- # Arguments
- # fulfillment: [Not documented]
- FulfillmentUpdateParams!): FulfillmentResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # intent: [Not documented]
- IntentUpdateParams): IntentResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # observablePhenomenon: [Not documented]
- (
- ObservablePhenomenonInputParams! :
- ): ObservablePhenomenon
- # Arguments
- # observableProperty: [Not documented]
- (
- ObservablePropertyInputParams! :
- ): ObservableProperty
- # Arguments
- # observation: [Not documented]
- ObservationInputParams!): Observation! ( :
- # Update organization profile details
- #
- # Arguments
- # organization: [Not documented]
- AgentUpdateParams!): OrganizationResponse ( :
- # Update profile details
- #
- # Arguments
- # person: [Not documented]
- AgentUpdateParams!): PersonResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # plan: [Not documented]
- PlanUpdateParams!): PlanResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # process: [Not documented]
- ProcessUpdateParams!): ProcessResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # processSpecification: [Not documented]
- (
- ProcessSpecificationUpdateParams :
- ): ProcessSpecificationResponse
- # Arguments
- # productBatch: [Not documented]
- ProductBatchUpdateParams!): ProductBatchResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # proposal: [Not documented]
- ProposalUpdateParams): ProposalResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # recipeExchange: [Not documented]
- (
- RecipeExchangeUpdateParams :
- ): RecipeExchangeResponse
- # Arguments
- # recipeFlow: [Not documented]
- RecipeFlowUpdateParams): RecipeFlowResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # recipeProcess: [Not documented]
- (
- RecipeProcessUpdateParams :
- ): RecipeProcessResponse
- # Arguments
- # recipeResource: [Not documented]
- (
- RecipeResourceUpdateParams :
- ): RecipeResourceResponse
- # Arguments
- # resourceSpecification: [Not documented]
- (
- ResourceSpecificationUpdateParams :
- ): ResourceSpecificationResponse
- # Arguments
- # satisfaction: [Not documented]
- SatisfactionUpdateParams): SatisfactionResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # plan: [Not documented]
- ScenarioUpdateParams!): ScenarioResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # plan: [Not documented]
- (
- ScenarioDefinitionUpdateParams! :
- ): ScenarioDefinitionResponse
- # Arguments
- # s0ettlement: [Not documented]
- SettlementUpdateParams!): SettlementResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # spatialThing: [Not documented]
- SpatialThingUpdateParams!): SpatialThingResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # unit: [Not documented]
- UnitUpdateParams!): UnitResponse ( :
- # Arguments
- # valueCalculation: [Not documented]
- (
- ValueCalculationUpdateParams! :
- ): ValueCalculationResponse
- }
link Require by
This element is not required by anyone