A boundary or context grouped around some other record- used for documenting, accounting, planning.
extended for Bonfire (default was Person | Organization
link GraphQL Schema definition
- union AccountingScope = Category | Organization | Person | Tag
link Require by
- AgentRelationshipThe role of an economic relationship that exists between 2 agents, such as member, trading partner.
- ClaimA claim for a future economic event(s) in reciprocity for an economic event that already occurred. For example, a claim for payment for goods received.
- CommitmentA planned economic flow that has been promised by an agent to another agent.
- EconomicEventAn observed economic flow, as opposed to a flow planned to happen in the future. This could reflect a change in the quantity of an economic resource. It is also defined by its behavior in relation to the economic resource (see `Action`)
- IntentA planned economic flow which has not been committed to, which can lead to economic events (sometimes through commitments).
- ObservationAn observation event that records the measurement or assessement of an economic resource.
- OrganizationA formal or informal group, or legal organization.
- PlanA logical collection of processes that constitute a body of planned work with defined deliverable(s).
- ProcessAn activity that changes inputs into outputs. It could transform or transport economic resource(s).
- ProposalPublished requests or offers, sometimes with what is expected in return.
- ScenarioAn estimated or analytical logical collection of higher level processes used for budgeting, analysis, plan refinement, etc.
- ValueCalculationA calculation performed using custom formulas for a certain context.