PLANNING AN ECONOMY, MORE THAN JUST MAPS AND EXCHANGESThrough the definition of personas and the collection of user requirements, reported in the D2.1 deliverable Use Case Analysis and Requirements, we had the opportunity to get an overview of characteristics and needs of a wide range of actors who will plausibly be part of the economic networks. Although the needs differed from userbase to userbase, a recurring theme emerged during the several sessions that led to the Use Case Analysis and Requirements document, concerning the lack of coordination between actors within the urban area.
This lack of coordination led to several issues:- Not having enough information on materials / skills available to be exchanged/traded over the territory
- Not knowing actors that have a complementary role in the same supply chain and then not being able to engage in partnerships with them
- Not being able to guarantee the traceability of the origin and manufacturing of locally produced goods
- Failing to encourage the inclusion of new stakeholders (citizens and / or organisations) in the city’s circular economy processes
- Failing to compete with the economic convenience imposed by the capitalist system
These problems led to the ideation of a first series of solutions:- Creating a map showing the flow of resources within a network
- Being able to offer and request resources and skills
- Being able to describe the available resources in different levels of detail, in order to create an open inventory distributed throughout the territory
- Being able to trace the different types of economic activity that affect a product in the various stages of its production, in order to create a “material passport” that verifies the value of products that are produced in a virtuous and sustainable way
- Being able to plan and coordinate supply chains within the urban/periurban area, in order to include different actors in different phases of the production of goods
- Distributing the value generated from the production of goods, based on each stakeholder’s contributions to the production phases
The usecases presented in this section are intended to be food for thought for what can be achieved with ReflowOS.