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Architecture and Manual for Distributed Network Setup and Maintenance

A better way to send money.


ReflowOS infrastructure leverages research from successful EU projects and relies on standard encryption protocols. Smart contracts are based on Zenroom VM. Permissioned networks are created on top of DecodeOS.


Stakeholders will engage in conversations and perform economic activities through the ActivityPub protocol and the ValueFlows vocabulary. Such protocols enable users to retain control of their data while fostering interoperability with the rest of the Reflow network and with other networks.


ReflowOS is built to be remixed and extended based on diverse and evolving needs. Knowing that each community has different needs, ZenPub can be easily customised or extended with new functionality.

Create and join economic networks

Create public networks, where users can freely sign up to existing nodes, or start their own and interact with the network.
You can also create private and permissioned networks, relying on DecodeOS to anonymize all the activities behind a TOR layer.


Create and manage groups, follow users and have meaningful discussions

Economic activities require coordination. ReflowOS enhances coordination by enabling users to create, join and moderate sub-groups within the network. Users can start discussions or post their offers and needs to the whole network or within a specific group (that can represent a neighborhood, a community of intents, etc).

Customer profile user interface

Publish and match needs and offers

Needs and offers are a core aspect of any economic networks. They play a set of important roles such as connecting different stakeholders and sparking new economic relationships. But they also act as a network feedback system, signaling the sentiment of materials, services and skills most requested by the network participants and the abundance or availability of others. A participant can search for a specific tool, raw material, service or skill available in the network.


Generate a resource material passport

Materials can be exchanged across the network, they can be transformed and combined with other materials to create new resources. Tracking any economic activity that happens to a resource will allow participants to take more informed and conscious decisions. It will empower the network, providing meaningful information about its supply chains and how to optimise them.

Customer profile user interface

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